Golden Era Offense
The NFL's Golden era ran from the mid 80's to the late 90's and it set the stage for the modern NFL and brought to the fore front and made the USA' s #1 sport. In this scheme we will be looking at 5 of the best offenses from this time with the 80s San Francisco 49ers, The 1984 Miami Dolphins, The Mid 90's Cowboys, then the late 90's Denver Broncos and Green Bay Packers. All of this will be run out of the West Coast Playbook.
Favre Packers Explosive Offense Breakdown!
Transform Your Madden Run Game FOREVER! (90s Broncos Wide Zone)
1984 Dolphins Vertical Pass Game Offense Breakdown (Golden Era Scheme)
90's Cowboys I form Offense Breakdown (Golden Era Scheme)
49ers West Coast Offense Breakdown (Golden Era Scheme)
Golden Era Offense Intro & Pistol Mini Scheme
Golden Era Play Call Sheets
Sheet to give quick overview of all the plays for the Patriots Offense, with Adjustments and Play Art!